The National Bison Association kicked off its inaugural webinar series—in lieu of its postponed 2020 Summer Conference—and now has all three sessions ready for review, free to members only.
The first day of the seminar focuses on the bison marketplace in the age of COVID-19. Eight presenters shared their thoughts on the challenges and opportunities presented by outlets such as Farmer’s Markets, restaurants, grocery stores, food trucks and the internet. People are interested in local foods and increasingly want to buy bison meat, they said. Consumers want to know where their food is coming from and who is producing it.
The second day was filled with information from experienced ranchers on bison management, regenerative soils, production and conservation. Day 3 of NBA’s Virtual Learning seminar provided information from a number of young ranchers on how they got started and are growing their bison herds.
The three webinars, sponsored by Turner Bison Exchange, the 777 Bison Ranch and AgriPrime, are archived in the member’s area of in the Conference Presentation section, where members can view past NBA conference presentations in addition to these.
“Thanks to our sponsors and excellent speakers for sharing their time and expertise, who made this foray into remote learning a huge success!” says NBA Director Dave Carter and Jim Matheson, Assistant Director.
“While we would obviously prefer to meet in person, we hope we were able to exhibit our education and outreach efforts to NBA members who may have not attended a NBA conference before, and hope to see you all in person sooner than later!”
From the National Bison Association,; contact, (303) 292-2833.

Francie M Berg
Author of the Buffalo Tales &Trails blog